Femme Noir, an on-line comic strip by Chris Mills, and the incomparable Joe Staton.  Femme Noir is a weekly strip at Chris Mills'
Comic Book Artist
Femme Noir
    Comic Book Artist no. 12.  The Charlton Comics Issue.  It has fantastic articles about Nicola Cuti and Joe Staton, a must read for any E-Man fan.  Click here to read on-line an interview with Joe Staton, E-Man's premiere artist!
Femme Noir, an on-line comic strip by Chris Mills, and the incomparable Joe Staton.  Femme Noir is a weekly strip at Chris Mills'
    The Thrilling Detective Website, by Kevin Burton Smith, a site about all your favorite P.I.s, including this page on Mike Mauser.
Universe M
Universe M, for everything you want to know about E-Man, Green Lantern, the Anti-Green Lantern Corps, Fritz the Nite Owl, Metropolis, and X-rays.
And they lived happily, ever after.......
Steve Englehart, great comic book writer.
The Huntress Unofficial Webpage
The Huntress Unofficial Webpage.  A great site dedicated to the Huntress, daughter of the Batman.  Joe Staton is one of the co-creators of the Huntress.
Mikel Midnight's Earth-4 Timeline, A great Charlton Comics timeline!
Weird Comics!
Ramon Schenk's Weird Comics, a site for all your weird comics needs.  This is a must see!
Mike Mauser
An on-line Michael Mauser adventure!
Want to learn more about the international world of super heroes?  You need to go to this site!
Marv Wolfman
Marv Wolfman, legendary comic book writer!
Steve Englehart
A great issue of Back Issue has an interview with Joe and Nick and their cosmic creation, a must have for any E-Man fan!
\An all new message board about E-Man from Digital Webbing.  Check it out and let your voice be heard!
Read an excellent article by The Savage Dragon's Erik Larsen regarding one of his favorite characters, E-Man!
To contact E-Man colorist Matt Webb at Webb Spunn Studio, click the card.